管理和维护MySQL数据库有时会复杂化,有时任务需要繁琐甚至重复操作,鉴于这些因素,MySQL Utilities扩展是为了帮助初学者和经验丰富的数据库管理员执行常见任务。
MySQL Utilities被设计成易于使用Python脚本,可以组合来提供更强大的功能。在内部,脚本使用mysql.utilities模块库来执行各项任务。由于该库是通用的函数,数据库管理员很容易创建自己的脚本来执行常见任务。这些工具都位于 /scripts文件夹下。
MySQL Utilities使用了三层模块组织。在顶层是命令脚本,位于 /scripts 目录下。脚本中包含的命令模块设计来封装和隔离大部分工具的工作。命令模块位于/mysql/utilities/command目录下。命令模块的名称类似于脚本。一个命令模块包含一个或多个通用模块类和方法。通用模块位于 /mysql/utilities/common目录下。下面以mysqlserverinfo 为例。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | / scripts / mysqlserverinfo . py | + — – / mysql / utilities / command / serverinfo . py | + — – / mysql / utilities / common / options . py | + — – / mysql / utilities / common / server . py | + — – / mysql / utilities / common / tools . py | + — – / mysql / utilities / common / format . py |
命令模块被设计成使用其他Python的应用。例如,另一个Python脚本可以调用 serverinfo.py 模块中的方法。这使得开发人员创建自己的工具接口,也允许组合多个工具。例如,既要获取服务器信息同时也要磁盘的使用情况,可以将serverinfo.py 和 diskusage.py引入来创建一个新的工具来实现这一需求。
通用模块是MySQL Utilities库的核心。这些模块包含MySQL对象的抽象、驱动和机制。例如,一个服务类包含连接服务和执行查询的操作等等。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | Module Class / Method Description — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — – — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — database Database Perform database – level operations dbcompare get_create_object Retrieve object create statement diff_objects Diff definitions of two objects check_consistency Check data consistency of two tables format format_tabular_list Format list in either GRID or delimited format to a file format_vertical_list Format list in a vertical format to a file print_list Print list based on format ( CSV , GRID , TAB , or VERTICAL ) options setup_common_options Set up option parser and options common to all MySQL Utilities add_skip_options Add common — skip options check_skip_options Check skip options for validity check_format_option Check format option for validity add_verbosity Add verbosity and quiet options check_verbosity Check whether both verbosity and quiet options are being used add_difftype Add difftype option add_engines Add engine , default – storage – engine options check_engine_options Check whether storage engines listed in options exist parse_connection Parse connection values rpl Replication Establish replication connection between a master and a slave get_replication_tests Return list of replication test function pointers server get_connection_dictionary Get connection dictionary find_running_servers Check whether any servers are running on the local host connect_servers Connect to source and destination server Server Connect to running MySQL server and perform server – level operations table Index Encapsulate index for a given table as defined by SHOW INDEXES Table Encapsulate table for given database to perform table – level operations tools get_tool_path Search for MySQL tool and return its full path delete_directory Remove directory ( folder ) and contents user parse_user_host Parse user , passwd , host , port from user : passwd @ host User Clone user and its grants to another user and perform user – level operations |
MySQL Utilities代码使用主流的编码和通用的Python技术,使用Python发行中默认的库,确保更简洁安装,增强可移植性,避免使用冷门的库文件,这样更好的接受和使用,也不需要根据不同平台依赖不同的库。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | def do_something_wonderful ( position , obj1 , obj2 , options = { } ) : “” “Does something wonderful A fictional method that does something to object 2 based on the location of something in object 1. position[in] Position in obj1 obj1[in] First object to manipulate obj2[in] Second object to manipulate options[in] Option dictionary width width of printout (default 75) iter max iterations (default 2) ok_to_fail if True, do not throw exception (default True) Returns bool – True = success, Fail = failed “ “” |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | opt_dictionary = { ‘width’ : 100 , ‘iter’ : 10 , ‘ok_to_fail’ : False , } result = do_something_wonderful ( 1 , obj_1 , obj_2 , opt_dictionary ) |
通过上面的介绍,可能已经熟悉了MySQL Utilities和它所支持的模块库。下面来看看结合多个模块来解决问题的例子。
假设你要开发一个新的数据库解决方案,需要真是的数据和用户账号进行测试。mysqlserverclone 工具看起来是可行性的解决办法,但是只能克隆实例并不会复制数据的。然而,mysqldbcopy 可以复制数据,mysqluserclone 来复制用户,可以这么来实现。但是,追求懒惰是运维的至高境界,运维就是为了没有运维。因此,我们需要一条命令来解决。
第一个任务是连接到原始服务器。我们使用与MySQL Utilities相同的机制,通过指定–server选项。
1 2 3 4 | parser . add_option ( “–server” , action = “store” , dest = “server” , type = “string” , default = “root@trustauth.cn:3306” , help = “connection information for original server in “ + \ “the form: <user>:<password>@<host>:<port>:<socket>” ) |
一旦我们对选项和参数进行处理,连接服务器是很容易的。使用parse_connection 方法来获取server选项并获取连接参数值的字典。所有的诊断和错误都给我们实现了,因此,只需要进行检查,如下所示:
1 2 3 4 5 6 | from mysql . utilities . common . options import parse_connection try : conn = parse_connection ( opt . server ) except : parser . error ( “Server connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.” ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | from mysql . utilities . common . server import Server server_options = { ‘conn_info’ : conn , ‘role’ : “source” , } server1 = Server ( server_options ) try : server1 . connect ( ) except UtilError , e : print “ERROR:” , e . errmsg |
1 2 3 | db_list = [ ] for db in server1 . get_all_databases ( ) : db_list . append ( ( db [ 0 ] , None ) ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | parser . add_option ( “-d” , “–databases” , action = “store” , dest = “dbs_to_copy” , type = “string” , help = “comma-separated list of databases “ “to include in the copy (omit for all databases)” , default = None ) if opt . dbs_to_copy is None : for db in server1 . get_all_databases ( ) : db_list . append ( ( db [ 0 ] , None ) ) else : for db in opt . dbs_to_copy . split ( “,” ) : db_list . append ( ( db , None ) ) |
注意,我们创建了一个元组列表,这是因为dbcopy 模块使用元组列表(old_db, new_db)来复制数据到一个新的库下。对于我们来说,并不希望重命名,因此设置为None。
1 2 3 4 5 | users = server1 . exec_query ( “SELECT user, host “ “FROM mysql.user “ “WHERE user != ‘root’ and user != ”” ) for user in users : user_list . append ( user [ 0 ] + ‘@’ + user [ 1 ] ) |
现在,我们必须克隆原来的服务器,并创建一个新的实例。当你查看mysqlserverclone 代码时,你会发现它会调用 /mysql/utilities/command子目录下的另一个模块。这就使得你创建的新的组合工具可以直接调用。当你查看serverclone模块时,你会注意到需要一大堆参数。如下所示:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | parser . add_option ( “–new-data” , action = “store” , dest = “new_data” , type = “string” , help = “the full path to the location “ “of the data directory for the new instance” ) parser . add_option ( “–new-port” , action = “store” , dest = “new_port” , type = “string” , default = “3307” , help = “the new port “ “for the new instance – default=%default” ) parser . add_option ( “–new-id” , action = “store” , dest = “new_id” , type = “string” , default = “2” , help = “the server_id for “ “the new instance – default=%default” ) from mysql . utilities . command import serverclone try : res = serverclone . clone_server ( conn , opt . new_data , opt . new_port , opt . new_id , “root” , None , False , True ) except exception . UtilError , e : print “ERROR:” , e . errmsg sys . exit ( ) |
如你所见,操作是非常简单的。我们只需添加需要的选项,如–new-data, –new-port, –new-id(很像mysqlserverclone)并为其他参数提供一些默认值。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | dest_values = { “user” : conn . get ( “user” ) , “passwd” : “root” , “host” : conn . get ( “host” ) , “port” : opt . new_port , “unix_socket” : os . path . join ( opt . new_data , “mysql.sock” ) } |
1 2 3 4 | options = { “quiet” : True , “force” : True } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | from mysql . utilities . command import dbcopy try : dbcopy . copy_db ( conn , dest_values , db_list , options ) except exception . UtilError , e : print “ERROR:” , e . errmsg sys . exit ( ) |
最后,我们需要复制的用户账号。我们必须提供一个选项字典,并直接调用命令模块。在这种情况下,userclone 模块提供了一个克隆一个用户到一个或多个用户的方法,我们必须循环调用克隆账号。如下所示:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | from mysql . utilities . command import userclone options = { “overwrite” : True , “quiet” : True , “globals” : True } for user in user_list : try : res = userclone . clone_user ( conn , dest_values , user , ( user , ) , options ) except exception . UtilError , e : print “ERROR:” , e . errmsg sys . exit ( ) |
如你所见,从MySQL Utilities命令和通用模块构建新的解决方案是很容易的,完全取决于你的思维。