在 PostgreSQL 数据库;目前是不支持类似 Oracle 闪回特性;我们知道 Oracle 闪回特性在数据恢复是非常简单给力。增加数据库操作人员(开发,DBA)的容错率。Oracle 闪回特性使用场景:
对于 PostgreSQL 闪回;校长(德哥)有写过一系列的文章PostgreSQL flashback(闪回)功能实现与介绍;如今我取巧实现 PostgreSQL 闪回特性。原理参考我之前的文章PostgreSQL恢复误删数据。
实现 flashback 就是一个有效的数据库备份/恢复。
实现 flashback 可以是在线服务器上操作,也可以是在另一台服务器上操作。换句话说:可以是一台服务器或者是两台服务器来实现。在一台服务器上需要更改数据库端口。由于本环境有清理目录操作;避免在在线服务器上误删目录。所以建议用两条服务器来实现。
psql -h -p $PGPORT -t -A -n -c"SELECT pg_catalog.pg_tablespace_location(oid) AS "Location" FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace where spcname not in ('pg_default','pg_global')" -o tablespace_location.txt awk '{print "rm -rf " $1}' tablespace_location.txt > cleandir.sh echo "rm -rf $PGDATA" >> cleandir.sh
cleandir.sh pg_basebackup -F p --progress -D $PGDATA -h -p $PGPORT -U replica
加入定时任务 crontab 中 例如:每天凌晨过5分执行备份
5 0 * * * pg_backup.sh
restore_command = 'scp postgres@**/%f %p' recovery_target_time = '2018-11-10 10:33:12'
pg_flashback.sh 脚本用于数据库误操作实现闪回到某个时间点。支持多次闪回。执行闪回 之前;需要配置 recovery.conf 中的 “recovery_target_time” 时间点。即恢复到哪个时间点。
pg_flashback.sh 1
pg_flashback.sh 2
当然往后加也行例如:pg_flashback.sh 3
##=========================================================== ## pg_flashback.sh ## created by lottu ## 2018/11/07 ## usage: pg_flashback.sh 1 ##============================================================ #!/bin/bash PGHOME=/opt/pgsql96 PGDATA=/data/postgres/data LANG=en_US.utf8 PGPORT=5432 PGUSER=postgres PGDATABASE=postgres PG_BACK_HOST_IP= E_BADARGS=65 E_FAIL=66 if [ $# -ne 1 ];then echo "Usage: `basename $0` Please invoke this script with one command-line arguments" exit $E_BADARGS fi flashback_path=/data/flash_back if [ $1 -eq 1 ];then echo "Info: backup backupset" backup.sh else rebackup.sh fi echo "Info: edit recovery.conf" #scp recovery.conf postgres@$PGDATA cp /home/postgres/recovery.conf $PGDATA echo "Info: begin start database" pg_ctl start -l /home/postgres/log/pg_server.log if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "Info: start database succes" sleep 10 psql -h $PG_BACK_HOST_IP -p 5432 postgres postgres -c "select pg_xlog_replay_resume()" else echo "[Error]: start database fail" exit $E_FAIL fi
[postgres@Postgres202 ~]$ pg_backup.sh waiting for server to shut down......... done server stopped 322503/322503 kB (100%), 4/4 tablespaces
lottu=# create table lottu as select * from lottu01 ; SELECT 4 lottu=# select * from lottu; id | text ------+------- 1001 | lottu 1004 | rax 1002 | world 1003 | world (4 rows) -- 获取时间点;这个时间点“2018-11-10 14:56:56”是我目标恢复时间点。表lottu有4条记录。 lottu=# select now(); now ------------------------------ 2018-11-10 14:56:56.30188+08 (1 row) -- 在时间点“2018-11-10 14:57:51”;误操作1 清理表lottu的记录 lottu=# delete from lottu; DELETE 4 lottu=# select now(); now ------------------------------- 2018-11-10 14:57:51.891931+08 (1 row) -- 误操作2 删除表lottu。 lottu=# drop table lottu; DROP TABLE
我们先在配置文件 recovery.conf 中的参数“recovery_target_time” 设置为 “2018-11-10 14:57:51”。执行闪回pg_flashback.sh 1
[postgres@Postgres202 ~]$ pg_flashback.sh 1 Info: backup backupset Info: edit recovery.conf Info: begin start database server starting Info: start database succes psql: FATAL: the database system is starting up
[postgres@Postgres202 ~]$ psql lottu lottu psql (9.6.0) Type "help" for help. lottu=# \d lottu Table "lottu.lottu" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+---------+----------- id | integer | name | text | lottu=# select * from lottu; id | name ----+------ (0 rows)
在配置文件 recovery.conf 中的参数“recovery_target_time” 设置为 “2018-11-10 14:56:56”。再执行闪回pg_flashback.sh 2
[postgres@Postgres202 ~]$ pg_flashback.sh 2 Info: edit recovery.conf Info: begin start database server starting Info: start database success psql: FATAL: the database system is starting up
[postgres@Postgres202 ~]$ psql lottu lottu psql (9.6.0) Type "help" for help. lottu=# \d lottu Table "lottu.lottu" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+---------+----------- id | integer | name | text | lottu=# select * from lottu; id | name ------+------- 1001 | lottu 1004 | rax 1002 | world 1003 | world (4 rows)
表 lottu 的数据成功找回。在使用 pg_dump 导出表 lottu 的表结构和数据的脚本;
[postgres@Postgres202 ~]$ pg_dump -d lottu -t lottu.lottu -f lottu.sql [postgres@Postgres202 ~]$ scp lottu.sql postgres@
[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ psql lottu lottu psql (9.6.0) Type "help" for help. lottu=# \i lottu.sql SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET CREATE TABLE ALTER TABLE COPY 4 lottu=# \d lottu Table "lottu.lottu" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+---------+----------- id | integer | name | text | lottu=# select * from lottu; id | name ------+------- 1001 | lottu 1004 | rax 1002 | world 1003 | world (4 rows)
PostgreSQL flashback(闪回) 功能实现与介绍
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